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Libra, Scorpio in 2008

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Pandit R Dakshinamoorthi
Libra in 2008

General overview for the year 2008

This is a year when you might be required to take important decisions regarding your life. This could be an excellent year promising much success provided you are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come your way without your seeking them consciously. Changes at work-place or at home can be fortunate. Some of you will purchase new homes, vehicles, or at least renovate home/ refurnish office. This is an excellent year for you to take decisive steps forward along the path of progress.

Financial prospects in 2008

There can be good gains from property transactions. Financial disputes can get decided in your favour. You will be able identify new sources of income. Long-awaited pay raises will materialize. You should channelise your increased income towards constructive investments. Business journeys will be highly successful and productive. Though there could be increased expenditure due to spending on home or health issues of family members, your inflows will comfortably balance the outflows with some excess available for investing.

Career prospects in 2008

"March ahead to the tune of the beat of success" seems to be the message that planets hold for you this year. Promotion, favourable transfers, prestigious postings, increased pay, enhanced professional status, opportunity to gain more knowledge by exposure to new circumstances, and highly productive & enjoyable travels are foreseen for you. Those in real-estate, credit industry, and automobile industry will fare better than others. This is an auspicious year for new ventures.

Romantic possibilities, social relationships, etc in 2008

Cupid's Arrows seem to target you this year. Interesting possibilities in romance are foreseen. The tendency to indulge in extra-marital affairs should be curbed consciously in an attempt to preserve the dignity of family life. Single ones may meet the match of their dreams this year. Social life will be enjoyable and what is more..leisure activities will bring you into contact with influential persons who might take an active interest in your professional growth.

Health in 2008

Barring few minor complaints, Librans will enjoy reasonably good health this year. However, if and when you fall sick, you should be very careful regarding medications as the danger of medicine-allergies/ poisoning looms large. Possibility of a minor surgery or an invasive procedure is likely for many Librans. Youngsters should be responsible in their romantic activities to avoid unnecessary health complications in the form of STDs.

Important periods in the year 2008

Best periods for travel in 2008: Second half of February 2008, First half of June 2008, September 2008.

Best periods for Romance, family matters in 2008: Second half of February 2008, April 2008, First half of June 2008, August 2008, September 2008.

Best periods for new ventures in 2008: January 2008, March 2008, April 2008, August 2008, November 2008, December 2008.

Scorpio in 2008

General overview for the year 2008

This will be a year that promises much prosperity and progress for Scorpios. Promotions, exciting travels, and gain through international contacts are on the cards. You will be able to take your life along the right direction by making crucial choices. Speculative activities will prove moderately gainful. You will manage to outwit all your opponents by strategic maneuvers typical of your sign. Scorpios have much to look forward to this year.

Financial prospects in 2008

Speculative activities will be moderately gainful. However, you should avoid stretching your luck too far. There could be some cash crunch due to your locking money in various channels in the middle of the year. Plan your portfolio intelligently and avoid locking all the money in close-ended schemes as you may experience unexpected expenses from time to time throughout the year. Some of you will dispose fixed assets to finance vital projects. Read the fine print while investing in any new scheme so that you are not taken for a ride.

Career prospects in 2008

Many of you will get recognition of some sort this year. Long-awaited breakthroughs in career matters will materialize this year. Some of you will change professional stream this year based on intuitive impulse and this will prove to be advantageous. Businessmen will be able to bag prestigious contracts. You will be at your forceful best when participating in business negotiations, and manage to win over everyone to your side with your characteristic charisma. A promising year ahead is foreseen.

Romantic possibilities, friendships, social life, etc. in 2008

Many single Scorpios will get committed to marital relationships this year. Family life will be smooth. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give your best to both these vital aspects of life. Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with compatible persons. You may be required to take important decisions regarding family matters including settlement of ancestral estates, marriage plans of younger relatives, career progression of close relatives, etc.

Health in 2008

You will enjoy reasonably good health throughout the year unless there are strong malefic factors based on your individual horoscopes. Things generally go your way, and hence you will have no reason for resentments or anxieties, and consequently, you may be expected to be at your best. In fact, sportspersons born under Scorpio will win laurels in their field due to their amazing levels of fitness this year!

Important periods in the year 2008

Best period for travel:March 2008, April 2008, June 2008, July 2008, September 2008, October 2008.

Best period for romance/ family matters:March 2008, May 2008, June 2008, July 2008, September 2008, October 2008, First half of December 2008.

Best period for new ventures:March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, July 2008, August 2008, and October 2008.

Pandit R Dakshinamoorthi

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